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Configuration File

The configuration file is still under development and is subject to changes

Name: .commitsar.yml

In order to make configuration easier than through flags we provide configuration file support. Most up to date examples can be found in

By default the current working directory is used to scan for the file. However this can be overriden by specifying COMMITSAR_CONFIG_PATH environment variable. Accepts relative or absolute paths.

Example: COMMITSAR_CONFIG_PATH=./testdata will scan for .commitsar.yaml in the testdata folder.

Global configuration

These are settings that get used across all runs of commitsar.

version: 1
verbose: false
Name Default Value Description Available from
version 1 Currently not in use. Might be used in the future in case of incompatible upgrades. v0.14.0
verbose false Turns on debug logging of commitsar. Useful if you want to submit an issue. v0.14.0

Commit style settings

  disabled: false
  strict: true
  limit: 0
  all: false
  upstreamBranch: origin/master
Name Default Value Description Available from
disabled false Disables checking commmits. Useful if you want to use commitsar only for PR titles. v0.14.0
strict true Enforces strict category enforcement. v0.14.0
limit none Makes commitsar check only the last x commits. Useful if you want to run commitsar on master. v0.14.0
all false Makes commitsar check all the commits in history. Overrides the limit flag v0.14.0
upstreamBranch origin/master Makes commitsar check against specific branch (e.g. use origin/main if main is your default branch) v0.17.0

Pull Request style settings

Pull Request pipeline is still in early stages. Please report any bugs

Convetional style

  conventional: true

Setting conventional to true will enable the pipeline. This is useful for teams that use squash commits and don’t care about having all of the commits in the PR compliant with conventional commits.

Name Default Value Description Available from
conventional false Turns on the pipeline and will check for a conventional commit PR title v0.17.0

JIRA style

  jira_title: true
    - TEST
    - TSLA

Setting jira_title to true will enable the pipeline. By default commitsar will use a basic regex to check for any JIRA-like references. Further scoping can be done using the jira_keys setting.

Name Default Value Description Available from
jira_title false Turns on the pipeline and will check for JIRA issues in the PR title. v0.15.0
jira_keys none Array of string project keys from JIRA. v0.15.0